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We use engineering systems to develop construction and civil works projects, with special emphasis on those related to soils. We have a solid track record in this field, with more than 900,000 m² installed in various projects. We distinguish ourselves by offering high-quality, innovative and efficient solutions.

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Santa Fe Farm 

System: Waterproofing with BLK Geomembrane and BLK Geotextile. And skilled labor. 



System: Waterproofing with BLK Geomembrane 1.5 mm and BLK Geo textile. And skilled labor. 
Area: 4,000 m2

Proyecto Hidroelectrico Canalete  (1).jpg

Canalete Hydroelectric Project

System: Waterproofing with BLK Geomembrane and BLK Geotextile  . And skilled labor. 
Area: 47,800 m2

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Recope Lemon 

System: Waterproofing with BLK Geomembrane and BLK Geo textile. And skilled labor. 
Area:20,000 m2

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El Guaso Sanitary Landfill 

System: Waterproofing with BLK Geomembrane and BLK Geo textile. And skilled labor. 
Area:13,000 m2

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Traesa Project 

System: Waterproofing with BLK Geomembrane and BLK Geo textile. And skilled labor. 
Area:36,000 m2

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System: Waterproofing with BLK Geomembrane 1mm  and BLK Geo textile. And skilled labor. 
Area: 2500 m2

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Villa del sol

System: Waterproofing with BLK Geomembrane 1mm and BLK Geo textile. And skilled labor. 
Area: 2500 m2


Conchal Reserve  

System: Waterproofing with BLK Geomembrane 1.5 mm and BLK Geo textile. And skilled labor. 
Area:8500 m2

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Four Seasons

System: Waterproofing with BLK Geomembrane 1mm and BLK Geo textile. And skilled labor. 
Area: 3000 m2

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Hydroelectric Project  Bijagua 

System: Waterproofing with BLK Geomembrane and BLK Geo textile. And skilled labor. 


Hacienda Lake 

System: Waterproofing with BLK Geomembrane and BLK Geo textile. And skilled labor. 
Area:8,000 m2


Pinera Perez Zeledon

System: Waterproofing with BLK Geomembrane and BLK Geo textile. And skilled labor. 

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Hydroelectric Project  Cubujuqui

System: Waterproofing with BLK Geomembrane and BLK Geotextile. And skilled labor. 

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