With our BLK Seamless Floor System, which has more than 1,500,000 m2, we design class A floors, guaranteeing: floors with high flatness, allowing storage at great heights and improving load transfer between slabs. Optimizing your operations with a durable, low-maintenance solution.

Costa Rica
Proyecto más representativo:
- LatAm Logistic San José Verbena 100.000 m2
With more than 291,000 m2 built.

With more than 27,000 m2 built.
Most representative project:
- CCN Brewery Nicaragua
12,000 m2

Most representative project:
- Galleys 9030, 9040, 9050
51,000 m2
With more than 76,000 m2 built.

With more than 95,000 m2 built.
Most representative project:
- Michatoya Logistics Park
72,000 m2

Most representative project:
- Intur SA Frozen Chambers
7,000 m2
With more than 7,000 m2 built.

El Salvador
With more than 113,000 m2 built.
Most representative project:
- Nneo Nejepa Logistics Park
100,000 m2